No team summary for this season.
2024 Spring Recap
Posted on 06/03/2024
The girl’s crew team started this season with a goal of building on what they achieved last spring. Early in the season, they competed against many nationally ranked crews and came away with an understanding of what work was needed to achieve their goal of placing top three at New York State Championships. The girls worked hard, even though the water conditions were not always the best and the winds were strong. The girl’s second varsity won the Long Island Scholastic Championship and the girls varsity eight took a close second. The girls continued to hold each other accountable and had a positive attitude. They collectively made small technical changes as they prepared for the New York State Championship. At States, the freshmen eight placed second, the varsity eight placed second and the girls second varsity eight placed first. As a result of their success at states, the varsity and second varsity eights received automatic bids for the SRAA National Championship and will be competing in the first round of races on Friday.
Posted on 02/14/2024
CREW - Student Center
All Grades
Saturday 3/2 8-10 AM
Monday 3/4 - 3/7 5:30-7:30 PM
Saturday 3/9 8-10 AM
Head Coach Jackie Weber-Cantrell
Google Classroom Code - fngx4tc
2023 Fall Tryouts
Posted on 07/10/2023
Both Varsity and Novice = All Grades
Monday August 21 - 24th @St. Anthony's 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Monday August 28th - 30th @Timber Point 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Head Coach Jaclyn Weber-Cantrell
Google Classroom Code fngx4tc - for more details